EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) is highly relevant to business and is said to be a necessary skill for today's leaders whose working styles are becoming more diverse. Developing a high EQ yourself or working with those who possess high EQ not only increases job satisfaction but also significantly affects job performance. This is why EQ has quickly gained attention in the fields of corporate human resources and human resource development.
Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist, proposes that EQ consists of five skills.
Social Awareness
Social Skill
Let’s look at each area within the context of real-world business situations.
Self-Awareness is the ability to recognize one's emotions and understand how they affect others.
For example, let's say you are always running late or rushing before deadlines. When you objectively observed what was burdening you in the process of preparing the report, you discovered that you had a scheduling problem. This is a form of Self-Awareness that can only be achieved through being aware of one's own limitations.
Self-Regulation is the ability to control one's impulsive and negative emotions while adapting to changing circumstances.
Self-Regulation is when you can suppress strong impulses through concentrated awareness. Suppose someone on your team commits an error. If you can suppress the urge to become emotional and instead correct the team's course of action while giving constructive feedback to the person who made the mistake, then you are acting in a way that is in line with Self-Regulation.
Social Awareness
Social Awareness is the ability to read the emotional makeup and "atmosphere" of others and to understand the impact of one's words and actions.
When a team is in a difficult spot, it is important to be aware of the people around you, and to read the general atmosphere, body language and context. You should consider whether someone is being left behind and what impact your actions and words will have on the results. If you are able to read the body language and context of communication, you are Socially Aware.
Empathy is the ability to make decisions and respond to others with consideration and understanding of their feelings. Empathy with others facilitates both personal and professional relationships.
For example, let's say you are giving a sales presentation to a company in another country. During the presentation, the other company's reaction is muted and they seem to have little interest. If you have empathy, you will be able to understand the reactions unique to that country and culture to craft a presentation tailored to their needs, which will lead to increased engagement/ discussion and perhaps an eventual order. Empathy is the ability to understand and create proximity to others.
Social Skill
Social Skill is the ability to connect with others through communication skills, team building and relationships while understanding the feelings of others.
For example, suppose a dispute arises within a team you manage. First, you would talk to each member of the team, listen carefully and understand each perspective in order to find the optimal solution. Social Skill is the ability to understand each member's position while providing support and guidance to maximize team performance.
It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses and apply them to communicate with others and leadership. In other words, you can develop the skills that are your strengths and complement those that are lacking. This is where coaching is recommended. In coaching, you can also hone your individual EQ skills in a process of self-discovery and self-learning.
BrainMaid offers Executive Coaching Services. This coaching program helps you develop the leadership skills you need to lead teams and people creatively and innovatively through fully customized programs. We follow the ICF (International Coach Federation) coaching process and help you develop the ability to anticipate how your decisions, words, and actions will affect the wider organization. The ability to anticipate and the analytical skills needed for strategy and next steps are all central to empower leaders to stay one step ahead.
BrainMaid also offers a free 30-minute trial coaching session.
If you are interested, please click here.