Corporate culture is the DNA of a company, and without it, a company will never be successful in business.
In Peter Drucker's famous book "Culture eats strategy for Breakfast", He talks about how corporate culture is the driving force behind business strategy.
In other words, corporate culture can help you achieve your strategic goals, or it can make your strategy a complete disaster.
This is because it is the corporate culture that supports the strategy.
Corporate culture, whether good or bad, is a set of unspoken rules and beliefs that are created when people form a group or collective with the same goal. Such a common understanding will eventually become the basis of the group, which will then affect the culture of the company and be reflected in various aspects.
Let me tell you a story that I often hear.
In my consulting business, I often hear people say, "The organization is not keeping up with the growth of the company, so we need to rebuild the corporate culture." "Sales are growing steadily and business is stable, so the next step is to strengthen the organization and culture." Or, simply, "I want to change the culture."
In the course of our conversations, we have discovered a fact.
Surprisingly, most business leaders do not realize how long their corporate culture has been in place.
As I mentioned in the beginning, culture begins to form when people form as a group or collective with the same purpose. In many cases, this timing needs to be traced back to the time when the company was founded.
If we had been able to focus on creating a corporate culture that is aligned with our vision for the future at the time of founding, there would have been fewer business leaders to worry about.
This is because corporate culture, which can be called DNA, cannot be changed so easily once it is established.
So why didn't they focus more on corporate culture from the beginning?
The answer is simple. Most companies focus on sales when they start out, and developing sales channels and increasing revenue are their top priorities.
As a result, the priorities of the company and the priorities of the employees are not aligned, and the employees remain in their comfort zone and do not develop the mindset to deal with change. As you can imagine, the effort, cost, and time required to change this is huge.
On the other hand, even if you have a small number of employees, if you focus on creating a corporate culture that is aligned with your vision for the future, the mindset of your employees will be oriented in the right direction, and they will become a powerful driving force to advance your business strategy and spur further growth, leading to sustainable business success.
Is your organization ready for this? Check it out before it's too late.